Перевод: с русского на английский

с английского на русский

(de tests o proves)

  • 1 orthogonal tests

    = independent tests
    French\ \ test orthogonaux
    German\ \ orthogonale Tests; Test auf Orthogonalität
    Dutch\ \ orthogonale toetsen
    Italian\ \ test ortogonali
    Spanish\ \ pruebas ortogonales
    Catalan\ \ proves ortogonals; tests ortogonals; tests independents; proves independents
    Portuguese\ \ testes ortogonais; testes independentes
    Romanian\ \ -
    Danish\ \ orthogonaltest; uafhængige test
    Norwegian\ \ -
    Swedish\ \ ortogonala test
    Greek\ \ ορθογώνιοι έλεγχοι; ανεξάρητοι έλεγχοι
    Finnish\ \ ortogonaaliset testit; riippumattomat testit
    Hungarian\ \ ortogonális próbák
    Turkish\ \ dikeylik sınamaları; dikeylik testleri; bağımsız testler
    Estonian\ \ ortogonaalsed testid
    Lithuanian\ \ statistiškai nepriklausomi testai; statistiškai ortogonalieji testai
    Slovenian\ \ -
    Polish\ \ testy ortogonalne
    Russian\ \ статистически независимые критерии; независимые испытания
    Ukrainian\ \ незалежні випробування
    Serbian\ \ ортогонални тестови; независни тестови
    Icelandic\ \ þverstæðum prófum; sjálfstæð próf
    Euskara\ \ ortogonalak probak; independentea probak
    Farsi\ \ -
    Persian-Farsi\ \ -
    Arabic\ \ اختبارات متعامدة ؛ اختبارات مستقلة
    Afrikaans\ \ ortogonale toetse
    Chinese\ \ 正 交 检 验
    Korean\ \ 직교검정[검증]; 독립검정[검증]

    Statistical terms > orthogonal tests

  • 2 randomisation tests

    = randomization tests; permutation tests
    French\ \ tests de randomisation; test du caractère aléatoire; tests de permutation
    German\ \ Randomisationstests; Permutationstests
    Dutch\ \ randomisatie-toetsen; permutatie-toetsen
    Italian\ \ criteria di randomizzazione; test di permutazione
    Spanish\ \ pruebas di aleatorización; test de permutación
    Catalan\ \ proves d'aleatorització; proves permutacionals
    Portuguese\ \ testes de aleatorização; testes de permutações
    Romanian\ \ -
    Danish\ \ permuationstest
    Norwegian\ \ randomisering test
    Swedish\ \ randomiseringstest
    Greek\ \ δοκιμές τυχαιοποίησης
    Finnish\ \ permutaatiotesti; satunnaistamistesti
    Hungarian\ \ véletlen elrendezési próbák; permutációs próbák
    Turkish\ \ rassallaştırma sınamaları; rassallaştırma testleri; permütasyon sınamaları; permütasyon testleri; sıradüzen sınamaları; sıradüzen testleri
    Estonian\ \ randomisatsioonitestid; permutatsioonitestid
    Lithuanian\ \ perstatų testai; perstatų kriterijai; randomizacijos testai; randomizacijos kriterijai;
    Slovenian\ \ -
    Polish\ \ testy randomizacji; testy permutacyjne
    Russian\ \ тесты на рандомизацию; критерий перестановок
    Ukrainian\ \ критерій рендомізації
    Serbian\ \ -
    Icelandic\ \ slembiröðun prófum
    Euskara\ \ ausazkotze probak; permutazio probak
    Farsi\ \ azmoonhaye t bdil
    Persian-Farsi\ \ آزمون تصادفيدن; آزمون جايگشتي
    Arabic\ \ اختبارات عشوائية
    Afrikaans\ \ verewekansigingstoetse
    Chinese\ \ 随 机 化 检 验
    Korean\ \ 임의화검정[검증], 확률화검정

    Statistical terms > randomisation tests

  • 3 battery of tests

    French\ \ batterie de tests
    German\ \ Gruppe (psychologischer) Tests; Testbatterie
    Dutch\ \ testbatterij
    Italian\ \ batteria di test
    Spanish\ \ batería de pruebas
    Catalan\ \ bateria de proves; grup de proves
    Portuguese\ \ bateria de testes
    Romanian\ \ -
    Danish\ \ batteri af test
    Norwegian\ \ batteri av tester
    Swedish\ \ batteri av tester
    Greek\ \ συστοιχία ελέγχων
    Finnish\ \ testisarja (-patteri)
    Hungarian\ \ próba sorozat
    Turkish\ \ sınama dizisi; test dizisi
    Estonian\ \ testiblokk; blokktest
    Lithuanian\ \ kriterijų grupė; kriterijų rinkinys
    Slovenian\ \ baterija testov
    Polish\ \ bateria testów; grupa testów
    Ukrainian\ \ -
    Serbian\ \ батерија тестова
    Icelandic\ \ rafhlöðuna af prófum
    Euskara\ \ test-bateria
    Farsi\ \ goroohe azmoonha
    Persian-Farsi\ \ -
    Arabic\ \ مجموعة اختبارات
    Afrikaans\ \ toetsbattery
    Chinese\ \ 试 验 组 ( 套 )
    Korean\ \ -

    Statistical terms > battery of tests

  • 4 Beran's tests

    French\ \ tests de Beran
    German\ \ Beran-Tests
    Dutch\ \ Beran-toetsen
    Italian\ \ test di Beran
    Spanish\ \ pruebas de Beran
    Catalan\ \ proves de Beran; tests de Beran
    Portuguese\ \ testes de Beran
    Romanian\ \ -
    Danish\ \ Berans test
    Norwegian\ \ Berans test
    Swedish\ \ Berans test
    Greek\ \ τεστ του Beran
    Finnish\ \ Beranin testi
    Hungarian\ \ Beran-próbák
    Turkish\ \ Beran sınamaları; Beran testleri
    Estonian\ \ Berani testid
    Lithuanian\ \ Beran kriterijai; Berano kriterijai
    Slovenian\ \ Beranov test; Beranov preizskus
    Polish\ \ testy Berana
    Ukrainian\ \ -
    Serbian\ \ -
    Icelandic\ \ Beran próf
    Euskara\ \ Beran-ren test
    Farsi\ \ azmoonhaye Beran
    Persian-Farsi\ \ -
    Arabic\ \ اختبارت بيران
    Afrikaans\ \ Beran se toetse
    Chinese\ \ 拜 伦 检 验
    Korean\ \ 베란의 검정[검증]

    Statistical terms > Beran's tests

  • 5 Cliff-Ord tests

    French\ \ tests de Cliff-Ord
    German\ \ Cliff-Ord-Tests
    Dutch\ \ toetsen van Cliff-Ord
    Italian\ \ test di Cliff-Ord
    Spanish\ \ pruebas de Cliff-Ord
    Catalan\ \ proves de Cliff-Ord; tests de Cliff-Ord
    Portuguese\ \ testes de Cliff-Ord
    Romanian\ \ testul lui Cliff-Ord
    Danish\ \ Cliff-Ords test
    Norwegian\ \ Cliff-Ords test
    Swedish\ \ Cliff-Ord test
    Greek\ \ έλεγχοι των Cliff-Ord
    Finnish\ \ Clifin-Ordin testi
    Hungarian\ \ Cliff-Ord-próbák
    Turkish\ \ Cliff-Ord sınamaları; Cliff-Ord testleri
    Estonian\ \ Cliff-Ordi testid
    Lithuanian\ \ Clif ir Ord kriterijai; Klifo ir Ordo kriterijai
    Slovenian\ \ Cliff-Ordov test; Cliff-Ordov preizskus
    Polish\ \ test Cliffa-Orda
    Ukrainian\ \ -
    Serbian\ \ -
    Icelandic\ \ Cliff-Ord próf
    Euskara\ \ Cliff-Ord-ren test
    Farsi\ \ -
    Persian-Farsi\ \ آزمون کليف-اُرد
    Arabic\ \ اختبار كلف -أورد
    Afrikaans\ \ Cliff-Ord-toetse
    Chinese\ \ 克 利 福 德 检 验
    Korean\ \ Cliff-Ord 검정[검증]

    Statistical terms > Cliff-Ord tests

  • 6 combination of tests

    French\ \ combinaison de tests
    German\ \ Zusammenfassung von Tests; Kombination von Tests
    Dutch\ \ aggregatie van toetsen
    Italian\ \ combinazione di test
    Spanish\ \ combinación de pruebas
    Catalan\ \ combinació de proves
    Portuguese\ \ combinação de testes
    Romanian\ \ combinaţia testelor
    Danish\ \ kombination af test
    Norwegian\ \ kombinasjon av tester
    Swedish\ \ kombinering av test
    Greek\ \ συνδυασμός ελέγχων
    Finnish\ \ testiyhdistelmä
    Hungarian\ \ próbák kombinálása
    Turkish\ \ sınamaların birleşimi; testlerin birleşimi
    Estonian\ \ liittest; testide kombinatsioon
    Lithuanian\ \ kriterijų derinys
    Slovenian\ \ kombinacija testov
    Polish\ \ kombinacja testów
    Ukrainian\ \ комбінація критеріїв
    Serbian\ \ комбинација тестова
    Icelandic\ \ samsetning þeirra prófana
    Euskara\ \ proba konbinaketa
    Farsi\ \ t rkibe azmoonha
    Persian-Farsi\ \ -
    Arabic\ \ توليفة من الاختبارات
    Afrikaans\ \ toetskombinasies
    Chinese\ \ 试 验 组 合
    Korean\ \ 검정[검증](의) 결합

    Statistical terms > combination of tests

  • 7 Smirnov tests

    French\ \ tests de Smirnov
    German\ \ Smirnow-Tests
    Dutch\ \ Smirnov-toetsen
    Italian\ \ test di Smirnov
    Spanish\ \ pruebas de Smirnov
    Catalan\ \ proves de Smirnov; tests de Smirnov
    Portuguese\ \ testes de Smirnov
    Romanian\ \ -
    Danish\ \ Smirnovs test
    Norwegian\ \ Smirnovs test
    Swedish\ \ -
    Greek\ \ έλεγχοι Smirnov
    Finnish\ \ Smirnovin testi
    Hungarian\ \ Szmirnov-próbák
    Turkish\ \ Smirnov sınamaları; Smirnov testleri
    Estonian\ \ Smirnovi testid
    Lithuanian\ \ Smirnovo požymiai; Smirnovo kriterijai
    Slovenian\ \ -
    Polish\ \ testy Smirnowa
    Ukrainian\ \ Смірнова тест
    Serbian\ \ тест Смирнова
    Icelandic\ \ Smirnov próf
    Euskara\ \ -
    Farsi\ \ -
    Persian-Farsi\ \ آزمون اسميرنوف
    Arabic\ \ اختبارات سمرنوف
    Afrikaans\ \ Smirnov-toetse
    Chinese\ \ 斯 米 尔 诺 夫 ― 伯 恩 鲍 姆 ― 廷 吉 分 布
    Korean\ \ 스미르노프 검정

    Statistical terms > Smirnov tests

  • 8 tandem tests

    French\ \ tests en tandem
    German\ \ Tandemtests
    Dutch\ \ tandemtoetsen
    Italian\ \ test in tandem
    Spanish\ \ pruebas en tándem
    Catalan\ \ proves en sèrie; tests en sèrie
    Portuguese\ \ testes (dois SPRT) em tandem
    Romanian\ \ -
    Danish\ \ tandem tests
    Norwegian\ \ -
    Swedish\ \ -
    Greek\ \ αλληλοδιαδοχικοί έλεγχοι.
    Finnish\ \ samanaikaiset testit
    Hungarian\ \ páros próbák
    Turkish\ \ art arda dizili (tandem) sınamalar (testler)
    Estonian\ \ tandemtestid
    Lithuanian\ \ dvigubi požymiai; dvigubi kriterijai
    Slovenian\ \ -
    Polish\ \ testy tandemowe
    Ukrainian\ \ -
    Serbian\ \ -
    Icelandic\ \ -
    Euskara\ \ -
    Farsi\ \ azmoonhaye peyapey
    Persian-Farsi\ \ -
    Arabic\ \ اختبارات متتالية
    Afrikaans\ \ tandemtoetse
    Chinese\ \ 纵 向 检 验
    Korean\ \ 직렬 검정[검증]

    Statistical terms > tandem tests

  • 9 Wilks-Rosenbaum tests

    French\ \ tests de Wilks-Rosenbaum
    German\ \ Wilks-Rosenbaum-Tests
    Dutch\ \ Wilks-Rosenbaum-toetsen
    Italian\ \ test di Wilks-Rosenbaum
    Spanish\ \ prueba de Wilks-Rosenbaum
    Catalan\ \ proves de Wilks-Rosenbaum; tests de Wilks-Rosenbaum
    Portuguese\ \ testes de Wilks-Rosenbaum
    Romanian\ \ -
    Danish\ \ Wilks-Rosenbaums test
    Norwegian\ \ Wilks-Rosenbaums test
    Swedish\ \ Wilks-Rosenbaum test
    Greek\ \ έλεγχοι Wilks-Rosenbaum
    Finnish\ \ Wilksin-Rosenbaumin testit
    Hungarian\ \ Wilks-Rosenbaum-próbák
    Turkish\ \ Wilks-Rosenbaum sınamaları; Wilks-Rosenbaum testleri
    Estonian\ \ Wilks-Rosenbaumi testid
    Lithuanian\ \ Wilks ir Rosenbaum kriterijai; Vilkso ir Rozenbaumo kriterijai
    Slovenian\ \ -
    Polish\ \ testy Wilksa-Rosenbauma
    Ukrainian\ \ -
    Serbian\ \ -
    Icelandic\ \ Wilks-Rosenbaum próf
    Euskara\ \ Wilks-Rosenbaum-ren test
    Farsi\ \ azmoone Wilks-Rosenbaum
    Persian-Farsi\ \ -
    Arabic\ \ اختبارات ولكس - روزنيبوم
    Afrikaans\ \ Wilks-Rosenbaum-toetse
    Chinese\ \ 威 尔 克 斯 ― 罗 森 鲍 姆 检 验
    Korean\ \ Wilks의 구간 산포

    Statistical terms > Wilks-Rosenbaum tests

  • 10 Cox and Stuart's tests

    French\ \ tests de Cox-Stuart
    German\ \ Cox-Stuart-Tests
    Dutch\ \ Cox-Stuart-toetsen
    Italian\ \ test di Cox-Stuart
    Spanish\ \ pruebas de Cox-Stuart
    Catalan\ \ proves de Cox-Stuart
    Portuguese\ \ testes de Cox-Stuart
    Romanian\ \ teste Cox-Stuart
    Danish\ \ Cox-Stuarts test
    Norwegian\ \ Cox-Stuarts test
    Swedish\ \ Coc-Stuart test
    Greek\ \ έλεγχοι των Cox και Stuart
    Finnish\ \ Coxin ja Stuartin testit
    Hungarian\ \ Cox és Stuart-próbák
    Turkish\ \ Cox ve Stuart sınamaları; Cox ve Stuart testleri
    Estonian\ \ Coxi ja Stuarti testid
    Lithuanian\ \ Cox ir Stuart's kriterijai; Kokso ir Stiuarto kriterijai
    Slovenian\ \ Cox-Stuartov test; Cox-Stuartov preizskus
    Polish\ \ testy Coxa i Stuarta
    Ukrainian\ \ -
    Serbian\ \ -
    Icelandic\ \ Cox-Stuart próf
    Euskara\ \ Cox eta Stuart en probak
    Farsi\ \ azmoonhaye Cox v Stuart
    Persian-Farsi\ \ -
    Arabic\ \ اختبارات كوكس وستيوارت
    Afrikaans\ \ Cox-Stuart-toetse; Cox en Stuart se toetse
    Chinese\ \ 考 克 斯 与 斯 图 尔 特 检 验
    Korean\ \ Cox and Stuart 검정[검증]

    Statistical terms > Cox and Stuart's tests

  • 11 L-tests

    French\ \ tests L de Neyman et Pearson
    German\ \ Neyman-Pearsonsche L-Tests
    Dutch\ \ L-toetsen; L-toetsen van Neyman-Pearson
    Italian\ \ test L
    Spanish\ \ pruebas de la L
    Catalan\ \ proves L
    Portuguese\ \ testes L
    Romanian\ \ -
    Danish\ \ L-test
    Norwegian\ \ L-test
    Swedish\ \ L-test
    Greek\ \ έλεγχοι L
    Finnish\ \ L-testi
    Hungarian\ \ L-próba
    Turkish\ \ L-sınamaları; L-testleri
    Estonian\ \ L-testid
    Lithuanian\ \ L-kriterijai
    Slovenian\ \ L-test; L-preizskus
    Polish\ \ testy L
    Russian\ \ L-тесты
    Ukrainian\ \ -
    Serbian\ \ L-тестови
    Icelandic\ \ L-próf
    Euskara\ \ L-probak
    Farsi\ \ azmoone L
    Persian-Farsi\ \ -
    Arabic\ \ اختبارات - L
    Afrikaans\ \ L-toetse (Neyman-Pearson)
    Chinese\ \ L 检 验
    Korean\ \ L 검정[검증]

    Statistical terms > L-tests

  • 12 randomised significance tests

    = randomized significance tests
    French\ \ test de signification randomisée
    German\ \ randomisierte Signifikanztests
    Dutch\ \ met loting uitgebreide significantietoets
    Italian\ \ test di significatività randomizzata
    Spanish\ \ test de significación aleatorizada
    Catalan\ \ proves de significació aleatòria; tests de significació aleatòria
    Portuguese\ \ testes de significância aleatorizados
    Romanian\ \ -
    Danish\ \ -
    Norwegian\ \ -
    Swedish\ \ -
    Greek\ \ τυχαιποιημένοι έλεγχοι σημαντικότητας
    Finnish\ \ satunnaistettu merkitsevyystesti
    Hungarian\ \ véletlen elrendezésü szignifikancia próbák
    Turkish\ \ rassallanmış anlamlılık sınamaları; rassallanmış anlamlılık testleri
    Estonian\ \ randomiseeritud olulisusetestid
    Lithuanian\ \ randomizuotieji reikšmingumo kriterijai
    Slovenian\ \ -
    Polish\ \ zrandomizowane testy istotności
    Ukrainian\ \ -
    Serbian\ \ -
    Icelandic\ \ handahófi þýðingu prófum; handahófi próf þýðingu
    Euskara\ \ ausazko garrantzi probak
    Farsi\ \ -
    Persian-Farsi\ \ -
    Arabic\ \ اختبارات عشوائية معنوية
    Afrikaans\ \ verewekansigde betekenistoetse
    Chinese\ \ 随 机 化 显 著 性 检 验
    Korean\ \ 임의화 유의성검정[검증]

    Statistical terms > randomised significance tests

  • 13 Rayleigh tests

    French\ \ tests de Rayleigh
    German\ \ Rayleighsche Tests
    Dutch\ \ Rayleigh-toetsen
    Italian\ \ test di Rayleigh
    Spanish\ \ pruebas de Rayleigh
    Catalan\ \ proves de Rayleigh
    Portuguese\ \ testes de Rayleigh
    Romanian\ \ -
    Danish\ \ Rayleighs test
    Norwegian\ \ Rayleighs test
    Swedish\ \ -
    Greek\ \ έλεγχοι Rayleigh
    Finnish\ \ Rayleighin testi
    Hungarian\ \ Rayleigh-próbák
    Turkish\ \ Rayleigh sınamaları; Rayleigh testleri
    Estonian\ \ Rayleigh' testid
    Lithuanian\ \ Rayleigh požymiai; Rayleigh kriterijai; Relėjaus požymiai; Relėjaus kriterijai
    Slovenian\ \ -
    Polish\ \ testy Rayleigha
    Ukrainian\ \ -
    Serbian\ \ -
    Icelandic\ \ Rayleigh próf
    Euskara\ \ Rayleigh probak
    Farsi\ \ azmoonhaye Rayleigh
    Persian-Farsi\ \ -
    Arabic\ \ اختبارات رالي
    Afrikaans\ \ Rayleigh-toetse
    Chinese\ \ 雷 利 检 验
    Korean\ \ 랄리 검정[검증]

    Statistical terms > Rayleigh tests

  • 14 stochastic comparison of tests

    French\ \ comparaison stochastique des tests
    German\ \ stochastischer Vergleich von Tests
    Dutch\ \ stochastische vergelijking van toetsen
    Italian\ \ comparazione stocastica di testi
    Spanish\ \ comparación estocástica de muestras
    Catalan\ \ comparació estocàstica de proves
    Portuguese\ \ comparação estocástica de testes
    Romanian\ \ -
    Danish\ \ -
    Norwegian\ \ -
    Swedish\ \ -
    Greek\ \ στοχαστική σύγκριση ελέγχων
    Finnish\ \ stokastinen testien vertailu
    Hungarian\ \ próbák sztochasztikus összehasonlítása
    Turkish\ \ sınamaların stokastik karşılaştırılması; testlerin stokastik karşılaştırılması
    Estonian\ \ stohhastiline testide võrdlemine
    Lithuanian\ \ stochastinis kriterijų palyginimas
    Slovenian\ \ -
    Polish\ \ porównanie stochastyczne testów
    Ukrainian\ \ -
    Serbian\ \ -
    Icelandic\ \ stochastic samanburður á prófum
    Euskara\ \ -
    Farsi\ \ -
    Persian-Farsi\ \ -
    Arabic\ \ المقارنة التصادفية للاختبارات
    Afrikaans\ \ stogastiese vergelyking van toetse
    Chinese\ \ 检 验 的 随 即 比 较
    Korean\ \ 검증[검정]의 확률적 비교

    Statistical terms > stochastic comparison of tests

  • 15 Pitman's tests

    French\ \ test de Pitman
    German\ \ Pitmansche Tests
    Dutch\ \ Pitman-toetsen
    Italian\ \ criteri di Pitman
    Spanish\ \ pruebas de Pitman
    Catalan\ \ proves de Pitman
    Portuguese\ \ testes de Pitman
    Romanian\ \ -
    Danish\ \ Pitmans test
    Norwegian\ \ Pitmans test
    Swedish\ \ Pitman test
    Greek\ \ έλεγχοι του Pitman
    Finnish\ \ Pitmanin testi
    Hungarian\ \ Pitman-próbák
    Turkish\ \ Pitman sınamaları; Pitman testleri
    Estonian\ \ Pitmani testid
    Lithuanian\ \ Pitman kriterijai; Pitmano kriterijai
    Slovenian\ \ Pitmanov test; Ptimanov preizskus
    Polish\ \ test Pitmana
    Ukrainian\ \ -
    Serbian\ \ -
    Icelandic\ \ Pitmann próf
    Euskara\ \ Pitman en probak
    Farsi\ \ azmoone Pitman
    Persian-Farsi\ \ آزمون پيتمن
    Arabic\ \ اختبارات بيتمان
    Afrikaans\ \ Pitman se toetse
    Chinese\ \ 皮 特 曼 检 验
    Korean\ \ 피트만 검정[검증]

    Statistical terms > Pitman's tests

  • 16 normal scores tests

    French\ \ test de scores normaux
    German\ \ Normalscores-Test
    Dutch\ \ toetsen met genormaliseerde scores
    Italian\ \ prove dei segni normali
    Spanish\ \ pruebas de las cuentas normales
    Catalan\ \ proves de puntuacions normals
    Portuguese\ \ testes de scores normais; testes de scores escores normais (bra)
    Romanian\ \ -
    Danish\ \ -
    Norwegian\ \ -
    Swedish\ \ normalscore-test
    Greek\ \ κανονικές δοκιμές αποτελεσμάτων
    Finnish\ \ normaalijakautuneet tehokkaan pistemäärän testit
    Hungarian\ \ normális pontszám próbák
    Turkish\ \ normal puan (skor) sınamaları; normal puan (skor) testleri
    Estonian\ \ normaalskooride testid
    Lithuanian\ \ normaliųjų taškų kriterijai
    Slovenian\ \ -
    Polish\ \ testy normalnych ocen; testy normalnych not
    Ukrainian\ \ критерій нормальних міток
    Serbian\ \ -
    Icelandic\ \ eðlilega skorar próf
    Euskara\ \ normal partiturak probak
    Farsi\ \ -
    Persian-Farsi\ \ آزمون نمره‌هاي نرمال
    Arabic\ \ اختبار القيم او العلامات الطبيعية
    Afrikaans\ \ normaaltellingstoets
    Chinese\ \ 正 态 分 数 检 验
    Korean\ \ 정규점수검정[검증]

    Statistical terms > normal scores tests

  • 17 complete class

    French\ \ classe complète (de fonctions de décision)
    German\ \ vollständige Klasse (von Entscheidungsfunktionen)
    Dutch\ \ volledige klasse van beslisfuncties
    Italian\ \ classe completa (di funzioni di decisioni)
    Spanish\ \ clases completas de funciones de decisión
    Catalan\ \ classes completes de funcions de decisió
    Portuguese\ \ classe completa (de funções de decisão)
    Romanian\ \ -
    Danish\ \ komplet klasse (for afgørelse funktioner)
    Norwegian\ \ komplett klassen (av vedtak funksjoner)
    Swedish\ \ fullständig klass (av beslutsfunktioner)
    Greek\ \ πλήρης τάξη (των λειτουργιών απόφαση)
    Finnish\ \ (päätösfunktioiden) täydellinen luokka
    Hungarian\ \ teljes osztály (döntési függvénye)
    Turkish\ \ tam sınıf (karar işlevlerinin); tam sınıf (karar fonksiyonlarının)
    Estonian\ \ täielik (otsustusfunktsioonide) klass
    Lithuanian\ \ pilnoji sprendimo funkcijų klasė
    Slovenian\ \ celoten razred (odločbe funkcij)
    Polish\ \ klasa zupełna
    Ukrainian\ \ повний клас(функцій рішень)
    Serbian\ \ -
    Icelandic\ \ heill flokki (af störfum ákvörðun)
    Euskara\ \ osoa klasea (erabakia funtzio)
    Farsi\ \ r deye kamele tabehaye t smim
    Persian-Farsi\ \ -
    Arabic\ \ فئة كاملة من دوال القرار
    Afrikaans\ \ volledige klas (van beslissingsfunksies)
    Chinese\ \ 完 全 组 ( 决 策 函 数 , 判 定 函 数 )
    Korean\ \ (결정함수)완비류
    French\ \ classe complète de tests
    German\ \ vollständige Klasse von Tests
    Dutch\ \ volledige klasse van toetsen
    Italian\ \ classe completa di test
    Spanish\ \ clase completa (de pruebas)
    Catalan\ \ classes completes (de tests o proves)
    Portuguese\ \ classe completa (de testes)
    Romanian\ \ -
    Danish\ \ komplet klasse (af test)
    Norwegian\ \ komplett klassen (av tester)
    Swedish\ \ fullständig klass (av tester)
    Greek\ \ πλήρης τάξη (δοκιμών)
    Finnish\ \ testien täydellinen luokka
    Hungarian\ \ teljes próbaosztály
    Turkish\ \ tam sınıf (sınamaların); tam sınıf (testlerin)
    Estonian\ \ täielik testide klass
    Lithuanian\ \ pilnoji kriterijų klasė; pilnoji bandymų klasė
    Slovenian\ \ celoten razred (preskusov)
    Polish\ \ klasa zupełna testów
    Ukrainian\ \ повний клас(тестів)
    Serbian\ \ -
    Icelandic\ \ heill tegund (prófanir)
    Euskara\ \ osoa klasea (proba)
    Farsi\ \ r deye kamele azmoonha
    Persian-Farsi\ \ -
    Arabic\ \ فئة كاملة من الاختبارات
    Afrikaans\ \ volledige toetseklas
    Chinese\ \ 完 全 组 ( 试 验 )
    Korean\ \ (검정[검증])완비류

    Statistical terms > complete class

  • 18 оправдывать себя

    It will pay to inspect the tube bundles.

    Recovery equipment costs less than 40,000 dollars with a payout of less than five months.

    The investment will amply repay itself in efficient service and utter reliability.


    If this block proves out, it will undoubtedly lead to adoption of such blocks for other cars.

    Total intravenous feeding has proved itself in the treatment of 1300 adults and more than 100 infants.

    This machinery has been proven throughout the world.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > оправдывать себя

  • 19 Б-79

    С БЛЕСКОМ PrepP Invar adv
    magnificently, excellently
    superbly (in limited contexts) with flair (of the passing of exams, tests etc) with flying colors.
    «На съездах и конференциях... Валентин Сергеевич с блеском доказывает, что наш план тесно связан с задачами третьего пятилетнего плана» (Каверин 1). "At congresses, at conferences...Valentin Sergeyevich brilliantly proves that our plan is closely connected with the tasks of the Third Five-Year Plan" (1a).
    ...На новом месте предприимчивый Поклен с ещё большим блеском развернул все приманки своей лавки (Булгаков 5)....In the new place the enterprising Poquelin displayed his goods with even greater flair (5a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Б-79

  • 20 с блеском

    [PrepP; Invar; adv]
    magnificently, excellently:
    - [in limited contexts] with flair;
    - [of the passing of exams, tests etc] with flying colors.
         ♦ "На съездах и конференциях... Валентин Сергеевич с блеском доказывает, что наш план тесно связан с задачами третьего пятилетнего плана" (Каверин 1). "At congresses, at conferences...Valentin Sergeyevich brilliantly proves that our plan is closely connected with the tasks of the Third Five-Year Plan" (1a).
         ♦...На новом месте предприимчивый Поклен с ещё большим блеском развернул все приманки своей лавки (Булгаков 5)....In the new place the enterprising Poquelin displayed his goods with even greater flair (5a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > с блеском

См. также в других словарях:

  • Exception that proves the rule — The exception [that] proves the rule is a frequently confused English idiom. The original meaning of this idiom is that the presence of an exception establishes that a general rule exists. Fowler s Modern English Usage identifies five ways in… …   Wikipedia

  • the exception proves the rule — 1. The existence of an exception to a supposed rule proves the general truth of the rule (often used in argument when no such conclusion is justified) 2. A distorted translation of a part of a legal Latin phrase meaning ‘the making of an… …   Useful english dictionary

  • exception proves the rule — Something unusual that does not follow a rule tests that rule to see if it is true; if there are too many exceptions, the rule is no good. A proverb. * /Frank is very short but is a good basketball player. He is the exception that proves the rule …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • exception proves the rule — Something unusual that does not follow a rule tests that rule to see if it is true; if there are too many exceptions, the rule is no good. A proverb. * /Frank is very short but is a good basketball player. He is the exception that proves the rule …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • exception proves the rule, the —    A widely misunderstood expression. As a moments thought should confirm, it isn t possible for an exception to confirm a rule but then, that isnt the sense that was originally intended. Prove here is a fossil that is, a word or phrase that is… …   Dictionary of troublesome word

  • exception\ proves\ the\ rule — proverb Something unusual that does not follow a rule tests that rule to see if it is true; if there are too many exceptions, the rule is no good. Frank is very short but is a good basketball player. He is the exception that proves the rule …   Словарь американских идиом

  • exception that proves the rule — This expression is used by many to indicate that an exception in some way confirms a rule. Others say that the exception tests the rule. In its original legal sense, it meant that a rule could sometimes be inferred from an exemption or exception …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • Null Hypothesis — A type of hypothesis used in statistics that proposes that no statistical significance exists in a set of given observations. The null hypothesis attempts to show that no variation exists between variables, or that a single variable is no… …   Investment dictionary

  • First Down (Prison Break episode) — Infobox Television episode Title = First Down Series = Prison Break Caption = Season = 2 Episode = 4 Airdate = September 11, 2006 Production = 2AKJ04 Guests = Matt DeCaro Larry Dotson Estella Perez Holly Valance Writer = Nick Santora Director =… …   Wikipedia

  • exception —  proves the rule, the. A widely misunderstood expression. As a moment’s thought should confirm, it isn’t possible for an exception to confirm a rule but then, that isn’t the sense that was originally intended. Prove here is a fossil that is, a… …   Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors

  • List of Sons of Anarchy characters — This is a list of characters from Sons of Anarchy. Sons of Anarchy is a drama on the American TV network FX; it focuses on the lives of an outlaw motorcycle club in Northern California. Contents 1 Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club 1.1 Active SAMCRO …   Wikipedia

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